Last year, we made the story of a show its own app. That app is called Justice For Hire, and it’s ReelwUrld’s first crowdsourced cinematic universe where fans create their own characters and star as those characters in movies and shows. (Fun fact: The Crowdsourced Cinematic Universe Model is the name of our pending patent.)
To date, the best explainer on what Justice For Hire is and how the cinematic universe works has been this one. JFH Founder and ReelwUrld CEO Jan Lucanus introduces JFH as a show about an app that’s like Uber for heroes, where users can hire a hero or become one. He also touches on the vision for the Crowdsourced Cinematic Universe Model and why it’s important to the future of the entertainment industry.
Two years later, that video ^ still holds up…BUT since we’ve launched our app, it’s due time for a new video that tells our audience what to expect inside the app and how to use it. That video has arrived–and it’s only 45 seconds long. It’s truly one of our most groundbreaking videos. Lexicons for functionalities, such as “in-character” and “out-of-character,” took us years to nail-down and they are concepts that are integral to our social-filmmaking process.
We want our community to feel BIG and EMPOWERED when they open the Justice For Hire app because the reality is the impact that the Crowdsourced Cinematic Universe Model will have on the entertainment industry is BIG AND EMPOWERING. The audience having a real stake in the stories they love will change the power dynamic in Hollywood.
Please share the video and invest in ReelwUrld on WeFunder if our mission resonates. Also, come to our first Hero Meetup of 2022 tomorrow (Friday, Jan 7) at 8pm EST on Zoom.
Thank you all for joining us on this journey.